Peppermint Oil Giving Effect Of Pregnant Woman with Pruritus (Itching) and Trimester III

In BPS Nurhasanah S.Tr.Keb Teluk Betung Selatan Bandar Lampung Year 2017

  • dainty maternity IBI
Keywords: Peppermint oil, pruritus (itching), Maternal, Trimester III


Based on research, about 18% of pregnant women in France suffered pruritus. In India of 200 pregnant women, approximately 61.5% were experiencing pruritus. Pruritus is a sensation of skin irritating and provoking to scratch. Itch receptors are not myelinated, has a brush-like nerve endings (penicillate) which is only found in the skin, mucous membranes and cornea. The purpose of research is known the effect of peppermint oil in pregnant women with pruritus (itching) in the third trimester Str.Keb Nurhasannah BPS Teluk Betung Selatan Bandar Lampung Year 2017. This type of research is quantitative approach to pre-experimental design withmethod one sample pretest posttest. The population in this study is the third trimester pregnant women who experienced pruritus (itching) in BPS Nurhasannah, S.Tr.Keb Teluk Betung Selatan Bandar Lampung in 2017. This study was conducted in February-August 2017. Obtained a sample of 15 people with the criteria of pregnant women with pruritus gravidarum, willing to become respondents and peppermint oil applied only to the experiencing itching. Data collection using observation sheet and univariate analysis of data is T-dependent test. The survey results revealed the average value before administration of peppermint oil amounted to 4.67 with a standard deviation of 1.234, while the average value after being given peppermint oil was 2.93 with a standard deviation of 1.223. There is the effect of peppermint oil to cope with pruritus (itching) in the third trimester pregnant women (p value < 0.05 is 0.000). Expected in pregnant women to pay attention to health during pregnancy, especially their symptoms of pruritus (itching) during pregnancy and how to cope by using peppermint oil.


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How to Cite
maternity dainty. Peppermint Oil Giving Effect Of Pregnant Woman with Pruritus (Itching) and Trimester III. Jurnal Ilmiah Bidan [Internet]. 30Aug.2018 [cited 20Apr.2024];3(2):29-6. Available from: